Sunday, July 12, 2009


So I've somewhat, kind of, learned how to deal with a couple of my situations right now.

Basically I'm just concentrating on working, hanging out and TRYING to be happy this summer. Then school, thank god for school. I will be able to take all of my focus off of the stress in my life and put it all on school.
How sad is it that I'm actually hoping I get loads of homework so I have something else to think about?

Another thing I'm learning is that a lot of people are not who I think they are. They're personalities completely suck. They are immature, disrespectful, and completely fucking ignorant. You finally think you have all of those people out of your life and somehow more pop back in.
I wish there were more solid people in this area. Makes me want to just get up and get out.

That's another thing. I'm actually thinking of moving away for a bit after college. I found out that I can continue my program in Alberta/Australia/St Catharines. Which I'm kind of stoked about.
I think Australia would be a little too far just for school, it would be an amazing experience but I doubt I would be able to deal with being away for so long with the stress of school on my mind and not having someone close to me to help me out.
Same goes for Alberta.
So if anything, I might be moving to St.Catharines in two years. That would be exciting, and at least a little bit of a change. And if I ever get home sick I could just drive home. I like that idea.

Can't believe how excited I am for school. Weirddddd.

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